Discover a collection of thought-provoking titles designed to align with the IB MYP programme and foster the 'Thinkers' learner attribute. These books challenge students to engage with complex ideas, make connections across subjects, and apply their critical thinking skills to solve problems creatively. Ideal for encouraging inquiry, reflection, and open-mindedness, this collection supports learners in becoming independent, thoughtful individuals ready to take on real-world challenges.
Titles Included:
- Animals vs. Humans: Birds Swarm
- Animals vs. Humans: Cane Toads Invade
- Animals vs. Humans: Mosquitoes Infect
- Animals vs. Humans: Orcas Attack
- Animals vs. Humans: Rodents Infest
- Animals vs. Humans: Snakes Strike
- Artificial Intelligence: Humans vs. Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Debates
- Artificial Intellgience: Artificial Intelligence in the Real World
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: Civilization Was Reset
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: The Earth is Flat
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: The Illuminati Controls Everything
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: The Moon Landing Was Fake
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: The Reptilian Elite Rule Us
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: The Simpsons Predict the Future
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: Time Travel is Real
- Conspiracy Theories DEBUNKED: We Live in an Alternate Universe
- Design a Better World: A Better Grocery Cart
- Design a Better World: A Better Backpack
- Design a Better World: A Better Hoodie
- Design a Better World: A Better Library Checkout
- Design a Better World: A Better Lunch Line
- Do the Work! Affordable and Clean Energy
- Do the Work! Clean Water and Sanitation
- Do the Work! Climate Action, Life Below Water, and Life on Land
- Do the Work! Decent Work and Economic Growth Meets Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Do the Work! Gender Equality
- Do the Work! Good Health and Well-Being
- Do the Work! No Poverty
- Do the Work! Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Meets Partnerships for the Goals
- Do the Work! Quality Education
- Do the Work! Reduced Inequalities
- Do the Work! Sustainable Cities and Communities Meets Responsible Consumption and Production
- Do the Work! Zero Hunger
- Friend Request: Invention of Facebook and Internet Privacy
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About Animal Testing
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About Homework
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About Legalizing Marijuana
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About Playing Video Games
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About School Uniforms
- Pros & Cons: The Debate About Vaccines
- Pros and Cons: Banned Books
- Pros and Cons: Social Media Censorship
- Pros and Cons: Vaccine Mandates
- Science Investigations: Investigating Compounds and Mixtures
- Science Investigations: Investigating Ecosystems
- Science Investigations: Investigating Electricity
- Science Investigations: Investigating Erosion
- Science Investigations: Investigating Heat
- Science Investigations: Investigating Planet Earth
- Science Investigations: Investigating Plants
- Science Investigations: Investigating States of Matter
- The Zanna Function