In this last installment of Jane Yolen's trio of books about ordinary objects with extraordinary uses, the humble stick is lauded as "a sword to tame monsters of dread" and "an oar for a rowboat in puddle or pond," among other imaginative functions. As with most things, though, it fulfills its truest purpose when combined with others: what can be made with a stick, a box, and a string? "Music that goes with everything!"
Author: |
Jane Yolen |
Interest Level Low: |
Age 5 |
Interest Level High: |
Age 8 |
Reading Level: |
Age 7 |
ATOS Reading Level Low: |
2.2 |
ATOS Reading Level High: |
2.2 |
Language: |
English |
Copyright: |
2023 |
Number of Pages: |
32 Per Title |
Set: |
No |
Dewey: |
[E] |
Binding Type: |
Paperback |