Discover an electrifying fiction collection tailored for 10-year-old readers, featuring a diverse array of thrilling titles. Immerse yourself in graphic novels exploring the mysteries of historical creatures, embark on exhilarating adventures in the Amazon rainforest, and join the daring exploits of a stunt bike rider, a secret agent, and a group of inquisitive students on the hunt for scientific discoveries. With action-packed narratives and captivating characters, this collection ignites imaginations and keeps readers on the edge of their seats, delivering endless excitement and adventure.
Titles Included:
- Flip Turns
- Lemon Drop Falls
- Jiu-Jitsu Girl
- The Cogheart Adventures Triology (3 Titles)
- The STEM Files (8 Titles)
- Long-Lost Secret Diary Series (6 Titles)
- Unwritten Duology (2 Titles)
- Malcolm's Martians: Exploring Mars (8 Titles)