Tail flukes wave ... Blowhole spouts ... Meet the whale! Brimming with vivid photos and scientific facts, Whales treats middle-grade researchers and wild animal lovers to a comprehensive profile of these mighty marine mammals. It covers zoology topics such as anatomy, diet, ocean habitat, and life cycle, as well as species conservation efforts and the animals' relationships with humans throughout history. Sidebars, a range map, and a glossary support the main text, while a Japanese fable about the whale adds a cross-curricular cultural layer to the title.
Author: |
Melissa Gish |
Interest Level Low: |
Age 10 |
Interest Level High: |
Age 13 |
Reading Level: |
Age 11 |
Lexile Level Low: |
1230 |
Lexile Level High: |
1230 |
ATOS Reading Level Low: |
7.4 |
ATOS Reading Level High: |
7.4 |
AR Quiz Number: |
521803 |
Guided Reading Level Low: |
W |
Guided Reading Level High: |
W |
Language: |
English |
Copyright: |
2024 |
Number of Pages: |
48 Per Title |
Set: |
No |
Dewey: |
599.5 |
Binding Type: |
Hardcover |